Body Fat Vitamin D Insufficiency?New research shows that a mother’s low levels of vitamin D during pregnancy are associated with reduced size at birth and a gain in body fat later ...
Am I Fat?According to medical experts, obesity is described as excessive body fat. This equates to thirty pounds or more over ideal body weight or a BMI ...
Exercise Weight Loss?Although many people might think getting in fit and in shape equals losing weight, but that is not always the case in the real ...
Fat Burning Foods?Foods that are low in calories, low in fat and yet high in nutrients are essential for the normal functioning of the ...
Understanding Your Body Mass Index?According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and ...
Fat Code in DNA New research from UCLA suggests that changes in body-fat percentage are inheritable, and that dietary responses are mostly controlled by ...
Weight Loss for Athletes?Losing weight fast has always been a concern for athletes who feel they must lose weight in order to boost their sporting ...
Best Exercises to Lose Weight?Everyone can relate to the burden of wanting to lose a few pounds, but most are unaware of the most effective ways to do so! Common knowledge: best ...
Good Fats and Bad Fats?Although many people avoid eating fats of any kind, the body does need enough good fats in moderate amounts to maximize overall health and ...
What is Fat?Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Fat make up the three essential nutrients that supply our bodies with the necessary calories we ...