Find The Right Low Fat Diet For You?Fat as a part of our diets is something we could all use less of. Fat in our diets raise cholesterol levels, increasing our risk for heart ...
eat GREEK YOGURT TO LOSe WEIGHT AND STAY HEALTHY?Greek yogurt has become a very popular household food item in the last year. It is easy to see why people have made the switch from regular yogurt! ...
Good Fats and Bad Fats?Although many people avoid eating fats of any kind, the body does need enough good fats in moderate amounts to maximize overall health and ...
Belly Bloat Banished?Every girl hates bloat! Whether it’s that time of the month, or you just feel that little extra water weight, getting rid of bloat is not ...
Junk Food and Kids at School?A recent study conducted by researchers from Pennsylvania State University and published by the American Sociological Association in the January ...
Am I Fat?According to medical experts, obesity is described as excessive body fat. This equates to thirty pounds or more over ideal body weight or a BMI ...
LOSE WEIGHT FAST WITH FAT BURNING DIETS??Losing weight is a constant battle for over 60% of Americans. Luckily, there are a few fat burning diets that can help you drop those pounds! ...
Weight Loss Camp for TeensTeenage obesity is becoming an increasingly dangerous problem in the states. Many of our teens are already overweight or obese and eating far too ...
Fat Burning Foods?Foods that are low in calories, low in fat and yet high in nutrients are essential for the normal functioning of the ...