?Every girl hates bloat! Whether it’s that time of the month, or you just feel that little extra water weight, getting rid of bloat is not the easiest task. However, use our tips to banish your bloat, fast!
1. Avoid all soda all together. Whether is regular or diet, carbonated drinks cause gas to be trapped inside your stomach. Reach for the water next time your craving a soda… water will actually help fight your bloat.
2. Eat slowly! Eating slowly solves a few key problems. First of all, eating more slowly will make you realize you are full earlier, thus making you eat less. The second benefit (more related to bloating) is less air entering your stomach, which obviously leads to bloating. They say meals should last thirty minutes to prevent the swallowing of air.
3. Sugar substitutes are unable to be fully absorbed into our systems. These low cal and low carb products can cause gas!
4. Be aware of gassy foods! Some of our favorite healthy foods, like beans and vegetables, can give us gas! While these are popular diet foods and do not need to be avoided, remember to eat them slowly! Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, and potatoes are known to be extra gassy, as well as the time old classics like beans!
5. Avoid Sodium at all costs! Salty foods increase water retention, thus leading to bloating. While we all crave those French fries or potato chips, they will do terrible things to our midsection.
Now that we just gave you five things to avoid, its not uncommon your feeling discouraged! But fear not, we have some delicious foods you should seek out while trying to slim down for that bikini!
1. Pineapple! Eat as much pineapple as you want! This delicious fruit contains bromelain, and enzyme that helps break down protein and aid in digestion, aka an all natural and yummy way to de-bloat!
2. Yogurt with active cultures helps increase the number of good bacteria in your system, again helping with digestion.
3. Asparagus eases gas build up. Because of its diuretic properties, it helps flush excess water from your body!